Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Iran awaits fast response to nuclear option

Iran awaits fast response to nuclear offer

Iran expects a speedy response from world powers on an accord to ship a lot of its lower enriched uranium to Turkey as piece of a nuclear energy swap cope, the foreign ministry explained on Tuesday.

Iran will notify the Worldwide Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the accord signed on Monday with Turkey and Brazil "in writing, as a result of the common channels, inside of a week," foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast stated.

"We be expecting members of the Vienna party (the United States, France, Russia and the IAEA) to easily announce their readiness" to put into action the energy swap, he told reporters.

The IAEA explained it has received the text of the joint declaration by Iran, Brazil and Turkey but was now ready for Tehran to notify it straight of what commitments it had undertaken.

"We are now ready for written notification from Iran that it agrees with the applicable provisions bundled in the declaration," IAEA spokeswoman Gill Tudor explained on Monday.

The so-labeled Vienna Party created an present last October to ship most of Iran's LEU out of the nation in return for higher grade reactor fuel to be supplied by Russia and France.

Iran stalled on the offer insisting it desires a simultaneous swap on its personal soil, which was rejected by world powers.

Monday's accord signed in Tehran commits Iran to deposit 1,200 kilograms (2,640 pounds) of lower enriched uranium (LEU) in Turkey in return for energy for a Tehran exploration reactor.

Mehmanparast explained if the Islamic republic reaches agreement with the nations required in the preliminary IAEA-backed package, it "will pave the way for more nuclear cooperation."

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